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Čekanje (The Wait)

Based on the short story "The Wait" by Jorge Luis Borges.

Kino - Memories

A short documentary about two cinemas which were located in Prizren, Serbia (Kosovo). From the time of Yugoslavia, to the present day, and the impact they've had on the town, the people, and the collective unconscious.

The documentary posseses a unique style, blending both objective perspective with archive material, and the interviews of people whose lives were shaped by the cinemas, along with subjective narration from the eyes of a lyrical subject who was present and together with the cinemas through each point in their history.

Priča iz Kraja (A Story from The 'Hood)

This originally started as final exercise for a film class I had attended at the Yugoslav cinematheque, organised by Filmkultura.

Gradually, it grew from a simple desire to shoot a western inspired duel, to an almost 10 minute long meditation inside the atmosphere of New Belgrade blocks during winter.

It was an exercise in pure style, and none of it would be possible without my long time best friend, my Morricone, Luka Obradović. We had worked on some smaller projects of mine previously, but this was the first relatively serious endeavour on which we collaborated.

A fruitfull collaboration it was indeed, and his music elevated this short film into something more than it actually is - all thanks to his fantastic music, which inspired me to compose shots and scenes worthy of its magic.